Federal University of the Triangulo Mineiro (UFTM), Brazil

Supervisor: Caio Alves de Lima

Academic mentor: Prof. Dr. Maria Helena de Castro Silva (MD, PhD, Pulmonologist)


You can find the local group for medical students interested in participating here.

To stay up to date with our activities take a look at the EAT-Brazil Facebook page.

A 2017 inaugural interview with EAT-Brazil/UFTM members can be found here.

A 2018 interview about the foundation of UFTM Tobacco Prevention League can be found here.

From left to right: students Bárbara Fonseca and Gabriel Pinto, Prof. Dr. Maria Castro (supportive faculty), students Guilherme Leal and Caio Alves. School of Medicine at Federal University of the Triangulo Mineiro (UFTM), Brazil.

From left to right: students Bárbara Fonseca and Gabriel Pinto, Prof. Dr. Maria Castro (supportive faculty), students Guilherme Leal and Caio Alves. School of Medicine at Federal University of the Triangulo Mineiro (UFTM), Brazil.

Board of coordinators:

Public relations: Gabriel Wilson Silva Pinto

School visits: Bárbara Cecilio da Fonseca

Curriculum improvement: Guilherme de Sene Leal

Fund raising: Cassia Ducatti de Almeida

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