Interview with Charlotte Großkopf, Supervisor of EaT Dresden, Germany

How does a volunteer project build a good reputation? I have the answer on the telephone. Two years ago, medical student Charlotte Großkopf founded the local Education Against Tobacco (EAT) group in Dresden. For two years she has been a continual presence in the classroom. The reward came a few weeks ago: the dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Dresden announced her intention to integrate the project into the curriculum.

Two years of education. Lots of school children. Lots of classes. No pay. A medical degree is a lot of work.

Charlotte, what’s your motivation?

I really enjoy teaching and giving people food for thought. By scrutinizing smoking as a social issue, I want to encourage more critical thinking. It was also a personal challenge for me, to set up something new locally and then to lead it. In addition, I also enjoy working with other medical students.

What do you like about the teamwork?

‘I find my fellow EAT campaigners inspirational: both those who work locally in Dresden and those who work nationally, who I’ve heard about. A lot of us wouldn’t have met were it not for EAT. It’s really a lot of fun to work together with all these people. Friendships have developed both here in Dresden, but also across other universities.’

Many thanks for the interview.

Photo: Charlotte Großkopf (second from left) with her team in Dresden.

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