Federal University of Jataí (UFJ), Brazil

Supervisor: Juan Felipe Galvão da Silva

Academic mentor: Prof. Dra Danielly Christine Vargas Espíndula Leite (MD, MSc in Medical Nutrology, experience in Family and Community Medicine)


You can find the local group for medical students interested in participating here.

To stay up to date with our activities take a look at the EAT-UFJ Instagram page.

A 2020 interview with EAT-Brazil/UFJ members can be found here.

First row: students Juan and Marina. Second row: students Marina and Laryssa. Third row: student Julia and Prof. Dra. Danielly. School of Medicine at Federal University of Jataí (UFJ), Brazil.

Board of coordinators:

Public relations: Marina Gonçalves de Castro Moreira das Santos

School visits: Marina Isabela de Paula Sousa

Curriculum improvement: Julia Mathias Mendonça Meirelles

Fund raising: Laryssa Cristina Terra Sousa

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