The “EAT-Brazil Tobacco Control Award” is an award organized by EAT-Brazil and aimed at encouraging Brazilian undergraduate students to propose strategies to improve tobacco control in their country. Its first edition was in 2018 and the organization committee is planning a second edition for 2020.
EAT-Brazil was funded in 2016 and it is already implemented in almost 15 Brazilian medical schools. Besides that, EAT-Brazil conducts randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to evaluate the effectiveness of its actions.
Award rules 2018: available here (only in Portuguese)
Eligibility criteria: any Brazilian undergraduate* student is eligible
Award results: May 31, 2018 (in celebration of World No Tobacco Day)
Award Winner 2018: Lucas Guimarães de Azevedo, from the School of Medicine at Federal University of Western Bahia, with the essay “The challenge of tobacco control for the next generations”.
Promo video: click here to see our promo video (in Portuguese)
Click here to see this page in Portuguese.
*In Brazil, schools for advanced degrees in professional fields, such as medicine, nursing, business, or law, are also categorized as undergraduate schools.
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