Start a group.

This is an optimized and proven guide how to found EAT at any medical school worldwide and in any language within a few minutes:

  1. Join the Supervisor facebook-group to anounce your local foundation and for getting support by other medical students.
  2. Create a closed facebook group (green button on the right) and name it “EAT: (Name of your medical school), Education Against Tobacco“.
  3. Tell medical students at your medical school that you are founding Education Against Tobacco by posting into your classes facebook group or via the student council’s mailing list. About 5% of all medical students who read the text should join your group. Add fellow medical students to your group and organize a first group meeting.
  4. This is how EAT groups organize themselves successfully: (click here). As a supervisor you are in charge of recruiting three coordinators.
  5. Start a Facebook-Page, “EAT: (Name of your medical school), Education Against Tobacco“ here and start documenting the progress of your group until you have recruited a coordinator for social media. You are invited to use our Logo and our facebook cover image and, if you want, upload our introductory video as a first post to introduce the project (you can download it here; just make a right click and press “save file as”). Post the link of your Facebook-Page here. Done! Your local group will soon be listed on this website in the “Medical School” section.

First steps after having founded the local group:

  1. Contact schools: The first one is usually the hardest – do not give up! Eventually, a faculty from your university will support you.
  2. Do you have the first school visit arranged? Good! Invite the press and tell the story of your local foundation. This helps for local reputation and future school contacts.
  3. All materials for your school visits are freely available right here. If you have any questions, just post them in the group of supervisors at facebook. All materials can be translated into all languages for free via the service
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