EAT Around The World V: EAT Indonesia
Today in EAT Around The World, we will talk about EAT Indonesia!
Founded in 2019 by Thelazia Calcarina Gurky, EAT Indonesia belongs to EAT South-East Asia and it was the most recent country to join our international network.
Last year, EAT Indonesia team members in collaboration with the SCOPH of CIMSA – USU (Standing Committee on Public Health of Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Association – University of Sumatera Utara) held a special World No Tobacco Day celebration. The event named “ASBAK – Aku Sehat Bebas Asap Rokok” (I am healthy, I am smoke-free) and took place in the city of Medan, North Sumatra.
In this campaign, medical students and some invited medical doctors made several school interventions reaching more than 70 adolescents and participated in a radio program where they discussed issues ranging from smoking prevention to how to overcome cigarette addiction.
Thank you to Thelazia Calcarina Gurky from EAT Indonesia (for the collaboration), and Mariana Marçal from EAT Portugal NOVA Medical School (for the graphic design).
Written by Paulo Gomes