Guide to initiate new groups in other countries.

1) Contact medical students from faculties of your target countries kindly asking them to collaborate in Education Against Tobacco while explaining its mission. This can be done by the help of facebook groups, e-mailing to student councils, IFMSA meetings and other means. Always pronounce that founding a group is easy and takes just a few steps which are very impactful. Always directly link the instructions:

2) If they agree on starting a group, add them to the EAT group of Supervisors and let them follow the linked instructions. Encourage them to follow these instructions once in a while and ask them if there are questions, especially when no actions are being taken for a while.

3) If they succeed completing the instructions, interview the new founders via these questions:

  • Ask for a photo of the new founder, the full name, medical school and age.
  • What motivates you to found the project in your home country?
  • How is the smoking prevalence among adolescents and adults in your country?
  • Why do you think medical students can have an impact?
  • Post the picture along with the interview on your continental facebook page most importantly tagging the person you interviewed in the picture you got from her.

4) Done!

Your other tasks as continental manager include connecting the countries of your continent with each other. This is already done via the help of the interviews which help other people in the project to stay up to date what is going on in your continent. In addition, always sum up new developments of national groups on your continental facebook page – they motivate the other groups to pursue more fastly.

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