A summary about the start of the Smokerface App in Germany and its potential effects has just been published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research: “Most smokers start smoking during their… read more →
In an open letter to the federal government, we demanded a ban on tobacco advertising. Mechthild Heil, Consumer Protection Commissioner of the CDU/CSU answered it on behalf of the entire… read more →
Sonja Wolff (21 years, photo) is a young preclinical student from Bochum who along with her medical studies, is also working on her first novel, composing music, acting and –… read more →
Abdullahi Umar Chara is a medical student from Nigeria and just decided to counteract adolescent tobacco use in his country. Abdullahi, what motivates you to found Education Against Tobacco? “The… read more →
Jilada Wilhelm (20 year old, photo) studies 4th semester Medicine at the faculty in Düsseldorf and leads the newly established Education Against Tobacco group along with her fellow student Anna… read more →
The next AGT generation: Thore Schade-Mann (23, photo) is a student in the ninth semester, Medicine in Homburg. As a consequence of his involvement in the local team, the now… read more →
Milestones in the prevention of tobacco at the Charité Berlin: Letters from local supporters and new website Since this morning (07.04.2015), Charité has set up its own website for the… read more →
The next AGT Generation: 20 year old Carolin Rauter, along with her colleague Thore Schade-Mann takes the leadership of the Education against Tobacco organization in Homburg from Fabian Fries und Albert Omlor,… read more →
Medical student Manuel Mendive (22 years old) founded Education Against Tobacco in Uruguay – a country fighting for its right to public health. Manuel, what motivates you to found the… read more →
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