Board meeting in Germany 22./23. October 2016
This weekend, 36 group leaders from most medical schools in Germany and the medical school in Bern (Switzerland) held their second national board meeting within the Education Against Tobacco network.
The long term evaluation of the school prevention program was a prominent feature of this meeting: new classroom interventions were demonstrated and practiced, scientific methods were discussed, and experienced group leaders shared their knowledge through interactive talks. Prof. Dr. G. W. Sybrecht MD, a pulmonary doctor and chairman of the German Lung Foundation, was a guest speaker. The following pictures lead you through the program for the meeting (Click on the picture to enlarge it):
Arrival and icebreaker activities on Saturday (October 22, 2016) at 1p.m.:
Photos of the group in the garden at the Thoraxklinik in Heidelberg:
A series of talks:
In the evening, we went on a walk around Heidelberg and saw sights such as the famous castle. People got to know each other better afterwards.
Sunday (October 23, 2016):
Practical training: We established a systematic training course for every school mentor following the Flipped-Classroom model.
At the end, group leaders took new materials back to their medical schools to create sessions involving an addiction memory game and app-advertising business cards.
After eating lunch together in a beautiful old town restaurant, we left taking away beautiful memories, new friendships, ideas, concepts and an optimistic start to a large-scale school prevention study in Europe.

New friendships: V.l. Sonja Wolff (Bochum), Hannah Beißwenger, Stephanie Sebastiampillai and Carolin Rauter (Göttingen)
We wish to thank the German Center for Lung Research, the German Lung Foundation and the German Heart Foundation, as well as the Thoraxklinik in Heidelberg (especially Prof. Herth, Prof. Kreuter and Dr. Claudia Bauer) for supporting our work and accommodating us.

Group leader, Janina Suhre, travelling back to Bonn on the train with new session materials in her luggage. Here is the report and pictures of the first meeting.
Medical schools and attending group leader(s):
Aachen: Christine Zupancic
Bern: Yannic Mathieu and Fabian Schneeberg
Bochum: Sonja Wolff
Bonn: Janina Suhre
Düsseldorf: Evgenia Divizieva and Jilada Wilhelm
Erlangen: Lava Taha, Verena Krauser and Fabian Buslaff
Essen: Christian Brieske and Laura Spelsberg
Freiburg: Lena Jakob
Gießen: Felix J. Hofmann, Dominik Penka and Titus J. Brinker
Göttingen: Hanna Beißwenger, Stephanie Sebastiampillai and Carolin Rauter
Hamburg: Marcel Seungsu Woo
Hannover: Marc P. Silchmüller, Leonard Harries, Marvin Hallmann and Dominik Machtens
Heidelberg: Thien An Tran, Minh Vu, Caelán Haney and Ailís Haney
Homburg: Fabian Fries
Jena: Daniela Peters and Franziska Maser
Cologne: Jonas Alfitian
Munich: Pascal Eberz
Münster: Thorben Royeck
Regensburg: Benedikt Gaim
Tübingen: Ole Anhuef and Patrick Kasteleiner