5th International Supervisors’ Video Conference

On May 18th, took place the 5th EAT International Supervisors’ Video Conference moderated by Paulo Gomes (International Coordinator of EAT and Supervisor of EAT Portugal NOVA Medical School) and with the participation of members of Germany, Bangladesh, Brazil and Portugal: Alessandra Holzem (General Secretary of EAT and Supervisor of the local group Cologne, Germany), Sayeda Nazmun Nahar (National Supervisor of EAT Bangladesh), Taskina Haider Samantha and Raisa Nawal Mahboob (members of EAT Bangladesh), Daiana Godoy (Supervisor of EAT Brazil UFLA) and Gonçalo Canhoto (member of EAT Portugal NOVA Medical School).
The main topic of the reunion was “how to adapt EAT interventions to the COVID pandemic”. In these 4 countries, without the possibility of continuing presential sessions with adolescents in schools, EAT teams managed to keep working!
In Germany, EAT members are testing new ways to make interventions in schools, while keeping social distancing, using online meetings software.
The EAT Bangladesh teams are working with the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) to reach medical students and address problems like the likeliness of the starting of tobacco consumption as a consequence of increasing levels of anxiety during the pandemic.
EAT Brazil members are keeping their efforts in national expansion and are organizing virtual round tables with their professors to increase their overall knowledge about smoking consequences.
Finally, in Portugal, EAT members are working in social media campaigns and are collaborating with local and national students’ organizations to increase awareness about the tobacco industry manipulation of youth and the environmental consequences of tobacco.
We thank Daiana Godoy of EAT Brazil for the graphic design.
For a life free of tobacco!
Written by Paulo Gomes.